"careful with that axe" virginnia"
three little piggy,s liked the rhyme
but who,s "bleating and babbling" down dark "corridors"
who,s just on the trail of the lonesome swine"
who,s all crook and cranny at google my granny
who,s "chicky" has long since been seen
who,s p g quips are age old tip.s whose just the old has queen
and who turns his hose on his flowering rose ( his feet up on a recliner )
who,ll risibly mock like an old cuckoo clock who,s off "cirrus minor"
so careful wirth that axe virginnia
do,t fear the mirth of the "segment c"
who,s "rubycon" has long since gone
who,s "strawberry fields" are "in my tree"
the local children they stood round
well broken bones they make no sound
burning tyre on the pyre whiff no stiff to harken
the first fourteen but not since seen ??
at cricklewood . . . it,s just a scream ??
"twinkle" "twinkle" twilit bar
and . . . des res with a garden
but money for nothing . . . . and it,s chicks for free
a squeeze of a tease or it,s ac / dc
and it,s cool for cats . . . or it,s pernod for pats
tthe old fag hag bag of the sagging twin peaks
at the piscean bar . . . . and the freaky fan far
it,s the fun of the fair . . . but the air somehow reeks
and officer diddle he,ll read you a riddle
rear mirror eye,s . . . spies a buy one get gift
a mincey voiced maggot . . . an old smirking faggot ???
( the sunshine,s gone down on his late evening shift ?? )
and a dark secret sniggy from "serial piggy" ??
if yo go down to the woods today
a decades old game but you,r now in the frame
on a "mystery tour" down the old "blue jay way"
death moves on ... he,s there then he,s gone
he moves onto graveyards new
he,s the sleazy old pro on the lottery show
and the winner could be you
he,s the en chante charmer the bad trip on karma
the grin grinning jestering teeth
for to hades you,ll ride ... should the boatman decide to the catacombes deep underneath
and eternal dark pews where ancients still muse and somehow remember the day
and the hop skip and jump of his flatulent rump ... as death came round to play
and the lying in fester .... come dodgy court jester .... the "chill de noi here-ever-after"
pray mimic the fate of the dearly the late with well stiffled guffaws of laughter
as his hoochy hearse swerves seem to fray your fraught nerves ... a pill popping lager a fag
a knock on the door .... but you can,t be too sure ..... of that that devils disciple in drag
cause death moves on .... he,s there then he,s gone
he moves onto graveyards new
he,s the sleazy old pro on the lottery show
and the winner could be you |

